Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Exploding iPhone?

Get this. I only heard one incident a few days ago.. an iPod owned by an 11-year-old girl in Britain exploded. Fortunately, she was not harmed. The company said, it was an isolated incident. Maybe it was. Here's another one. Just recently, a supermarket security guard in France was typing a text message on his iPhone when the screen exploded to his face. Isolated incident? What do you think?

How high can a Fly fly?

A friend of mine just asked this morning. How high can a Fly or a mosquito really fly? They happen to be in the third floor of a hospital, that's about 30 ft from the ground. They were instructed to close windows to prevent flies from coming in. What do you think?

Plain internist or should you go for subspecialty that will take years?